Limbal Relaxing Incisions

Limbal Relaxing Incisions: Correcting Astigmatism with Precision

Understanding Astigmatism

Astigmatism, a common eye disorder, causes blurred or distorted vision due to the irregular curvature of the cornea. Instead of a perfectly curved shape, the cornea resembles a football, leading to distorted light entry and vision issues. While corrective lenses and laser eye surgery are common treatments for astigmatism, another effective solution is Limbal Relaxing Incisions.

The Surgical Process

While the surgery is relatively straightforward, it’s essential to arrange reliable transportation since you won’t be able to drive afterward. Having someone stay with you for at least six hours post-procedure is advisable. Prepare for the surgery by refraining from eating or drinking after midnight the day before and avoiding certain personal care products.

The procedure is swift, and you can return home shortly afterward. In some cases, a patch may be placed over the eye, and you’ll wear a provided shield whenever you sleep for at least a week post-surgery.

Post-Operative Care

After Limbal Relaxing Incision surgery, you’ll receive a set of eye drops, including antibiotics, NSAIDs, and steroid anti-inflammatories. It’s normal to experience a pink/red tint and a sensation of grit or sand in your eyes, which typically subsides after a day or two. If you experience severe pain not alleviated by medication, contact your eye doctor.

Post-operative appointments will assess the procedure’s success, monitor healing progress, and adjust your prescription if needed.

Ready to correct your astigmatism with precision? Schedule a consultation with your eye specialist to explore Limbal Relaxing Incisions and pave the way to improved vision.