Services & Fees

Well Vision Care

Eye Exam - Well vision and glasses Rx
Optomap® screening
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Level 1 Contact lens Evaluation & Management
Spherical lens care
Level 2 Contact lens Evaluation & Management
Toric lens and established multi focal care
Level 3 Contact lens Evaluation & Management
Advanced lens design care (➠ Synergeyes, Scleral, Kerasoft IC & Keratoconus)

*Includes 15% day of service discount. Contact lenses patients must have a recent eye exam prior to contact lens evaluation and management services. First time contact lens patients will need training, please allow up to 60 minutes.

Eye Exam for Glasses

Your examination experience at Plano Eye will likely be a very different experience. There are never any forms to complete, and the process is streamlined compared to traditional practice. Advanced technology makes your eye exam for glasses simple and streamlined, you may not even have to answer which is better, one or two. Dilation is no longer necessary for most exams, allowing you to resume normal activities. Your glasses prescription will be printed at the conclusion of your exam and placed in your patient portal for 24/7 access with your exam results and educational video’s concerning your vision.

Eye Exam for Contacts

Upon conclusion of an eye exam for glasses additional testing, evaluation & management services are available for patients desiring contact lenses. Advanced diagnostic instruments will measure your eyes for the best contact lenses providing for your best vision and comfort. Your contact lens prescription will be printed at the conclusion of your exam and placed in your patient portal for 24/7 access with a copy of your exam results.

Surgical Care

Ocular foreign body removal
from $65
Lacrimal procedures
from $200
Punctal/lacrimal plug
from $119
Eyelid lesion removal
from $250
from $45
Corneal debridement/polish
from $499
ProKera-Amniotic Membrane corneal graft
from $1,500

Medical Care

Intermediate medical eye exam
Comprehensive medical eye exam
Refraction for glasses when done with medical eye exam
Consultation - extended
Visual Field Testing
OCT laser retinal scan
Optomap Plus® Medical Vitreo-Retinal Scans
OCT Visante® scan
Sensorimotor exam
Extended ophthalmoscopy per eye
Provocative glaucoma
Specular microscopy
Ophthalmic ultrasound per eye
External ocular imaging
Corneal topography